Lecture � Society of mind

Greg Detre

Wednesday, April 30, 2003


why do people like music? why�s it such a big industry?



Stickold study � people who sleep less than 8 hours get a lot done but they don�t remember it

Hobson � might not initially have had any function � started in vertebrates around fish-time � if you could suspend animation for half the time, then you�d minimise half the accidents (the ones you�re less used/adapted to)

Shakespeare � �knits up the raveled sleeve of care�

allows you to reconcile and integrate your new experiences without interference from external experience � REM for untangling mis-structures that have got cross-linked in bad ways � stimulate one then the other, and if there�s too much crossover you clean one of them up

perhaps that�s why dolphins don�t need to sleep with both half-brains at once � because their environment doesn�t have day/night-times

Minsky: well, they�d drown otherwise. same with seagulls and albatrosses

would a dolphin have two personalities?

sleep�s a suitcase mechanism � once you�ve got something like it, a dozen reasons grow up to take advantage of it

that�s why he doesn�t like Descartes� Error � he uses ordinary words as though they mean something � whereas the neurology people should expect to have to find new concepts for what the brain is doing � in other sciences, they don�t use ordinary words very much

stickold � got people to practice tetris, and to daydream about it � they reported they dreamed about it � then next day, they had improved, and continued to improve for three more days


difference between goals and objectives (as used in business or school)

goals are abstract, objectives are things you need to do to get the goals

objectives are sub-goals

but sometimes goals are concrete, but objectives are abstract

this is dumb � because goal structures are hierarchical � they don�t have a word for sub-sub-goal

perhaps you restrict it to two levels because it forces you then to delegate on your objectives to your subordinate


apparently lucid dreaming is actually teachable

do you still improve at tetris if you lucid dream? can you direct your learning?


Jose: is it true that the left hemisphere isn�t active during dreaming?


he reckons that when you dream, you rearrange the sequence/events afterwards

Steve: you could play people a bunch of noises that don�t wake them up, and then ask them about the narrative sequence afterwards


Hally + Eden (sp???) � played people two headphones, one saying a sentence, the other with a click, and people reported afterwards that the click occurred on a phrase boundary

perhaps this is because different parts of the brain are processing speech sounds, and when this gets summarised at the high level�


I often wonder whether minsky�s theories, based on experiences with his children, must be heavily skewed, given that his kids must be prodigiously bright and kind of funny


refce Hollander � poems �Rhymes reason�

he tries to make some of the bits he wants to convince people of more metered

the whole of the first few pages of Emotion Machine are in meter

some writers give different characters different meters

refce Sturgeon � did this without realising, until his creative writing students pointed it out

some writers have a backstory, i.e. they know 10 times more than the readers about the novel

Huxley�s characters always seem stereotyped and predictable, perhaps because he only uses 3 or 4 features � Tolstoy�s always seem unpredictable, perhaps because they have 7 or 8


why is visualisation more vivid than dreaming?

no external experience to distract


the smarter you are, the smarter your neighbours are � evolutionary arms race


refce: current Nature, reviewing the differences between humans, apes etc.

there may only be 30,000 genes, but there are more than 100,000 differences between us and the chimp

a gene is a big thing


chimpanzees have the same size skull, but it�s much much thicker

maybe constrained by the need for birth


Bell Labs � worked on projects that would come to fruition in 40 years� time


oil as a curse for a country :) � you get corrupt governments, and the oil industry pays more than any other and dominates the entire country�s economy


1960s: �while you�re up, get me a grant�


Congress put constraints on the max length in years of a grant


declining proportion of faculty to assistants � allowed the professors to handle a relatively greater teaching load


he thinks it�s getting pretty good now, because he can see most of the bugs in his ideas in his friends


I said that common sense reasoning�s time has not yet come � you need to get the architecture right first

Push: that I�m confusing the common sense architecture and knowledge problems

noone could have written the 12 dimensions of context space except someone who had tried to build an encyclopaedic system


parasites don�t damage tissue

me: NSA fund brain-eating worms that you could attach a thread to :)


Nancy: thinks it�s wrong to use the data from the Siberia experiments on people

me: it would make their sacrifices meaningless


reality tv with accompanying brain data � put it on the web and hackers can try and decode it :)


me: suicide�s a cry for attention � they should have a clinic for people to volunteer to be zapped � after all, what could get more attention than having your name in the most-cited paper of the year? :)


psychologist prof: Purdue class � better to read the Turing Option before the SoM


storing OMCS assertions as NL allows you to choose your level of precision/ambiguity afterwards